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I use drawing and painting to document and celebrate the trees that I come across in my mostly suburban life - a combination of indigenous and exotic trees - our trees are so essential to our lives and are being destroyed or under threat from development and climate change. i want to celebrate and marvel at their unique and profound character.
Three Banksia Trees, Sandringham.
Gouache on tan coloured Mi Tiente paper 33 x 23 cm
Eight Trees at Green Point Brighton
Charcoal and white conté on eight sheets of grey paper Each 38 x 30cm
Coastal Banksia, Sandringham
Watercolour on tan coloured Mi Tiente paper 33 x 23 cm
Pine tree, Wattle Park
Charcoal and conté on two sheets of grey Stonehenge paper 102 x 71 cm
coastal Banksia Wattle Park
Gouache on grey coloured Mi Tiente paper 33 x 23 cm
Coastal Banksia Ricketts Point
Graphite pencil on grey paper 76 cm x 57 cm
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