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Academic CV


Academic Qualifications


2010       MFA (by research) Monash University, Victoria, Australia.


1981       BA (Hons) Painting, West Surrey College of Art and Design, Farnham, Surrey, England.


Academic Awards


2008    Faculty Dean’s Award for Sessional teaching.

2008    Travel Grant, Monash University.


Professional Development.


2005   Cert IV in assessment and workplace training BSZ40198) Centre for Adult Education,  Melbourne, Victoria


Academic Appointments

2015 -        Lecturer in Drawing and Painting, Diploma of Art & Design, Monash College Pty. Ltd, Victoria,  Australia .


2006 - 15  Sessional Contract Teacher, Diploma of Art & Design, Monash College Pty. Ltd, Victoria,  Australia (Units taught; Drawing A, B, C; & Painting).


2006 - 13   Teaching Associate, Monash Art Design and Architecture (MADA), Monash University,  Caulfield, Australia (Units taught; Drawing 1st Year          

                   Undergraduates in Fine art, Visual art, architecture, visual communication, and industrial design.


2010           Acting Assistant Drawing Coordinator, Drawing Studio, Monash Art Design andArchitecture (MADA), Monash University, Caulfield, Australia.


1999           Drawing Tutor, Department of Architecture, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.


Other Appointments


2005 - 11 Coordinator for ArtPlay, City of Melbourne. Drawing Program: “The Big Draw” School  and Public Program (Key roles include: Project management; designing school and public programs in drawing; sourcing, evaluating, selecting and liaising with various  contemporary artists; sourcing sponsorship; liaising with key stakeholders;  delivering workshops; mentoring artists; documentation; installing exhibitions/displays; working individually and collaboratively in teams.).


2009.    Coordinator and lead artist for Arts Victoria - Artist in Schools Extended Residency   Ardeer South Primary School/ArtPlay residency. (Key roles include: Project management,  including managing and aquitting budgets; planning and designing program with key stake- holders, including school, teachers, artists, arts organizations, funding body; managing  budgets and acquittals; mentoring artists, collaboration with artists, sourcing sponsorship;documentation, installing displays and exhibitions delivering workshops etc.)


2003 - 09  Teaching artist for multi-disciplinary Arts Encore and Education workshop Programs; Victorian Arts Centre (Key roles - collaborative work with artists in multiple arts disciplines including designing and delivering programs for Professional Development for  teachers, giving workshops for school children and teachers in both outreach and in house)


2005     Facilitator, Into Art, Eroke Program, (Adult Day Activity Social Support), City of Port  Phillip. Victoria. Australia.



Selected Residencies.


2009                 Lead Artist and Coordinator for residency at Ardeer South Primary School, Ardeer,Victoria (Arts Victoria                              

                         Extended Residency to work with whole school).


2006                 Artist in Residence, Collingwood English Language School, Collingwood, Victoria. (Arts Victoria, Artist in School Residency to work

                         with new migrants)


2006                 Artist in Residence, Camberwell Boys Grammar.


2000                 Word Journeys, Boorandara Writers Festival, Town Hall Gallery, City of Boorandara Hawthorn, Victoria (exhibition and series of




Gregory Alexander 2015

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